Pastor Jedidiah Carpentier

Jedidiah Carpentier


Jedidiah, originally from California, was called into ministry as a worship pastor, before going to seminary and transitioning into a lead pastor role.

He moved with his wife Deanna to her home province of Manitoba, to serve as a pastor with Friends Community Church in Carmen, before coming to Portage Avenue Church.

His entrepreneurial spirit and heart for people are a great fit in leading our church into the future, as we build something new for the kingdom of God.


Jennifer Choi


In 1991 Jennifer immigrated to Canada from South Korea with her parents. She worked as a social worker in BC before moving to Winnipeg and starting an immigration company, JC Wins. She helped pastor our Korean fellowship before they partnered together with Portage Avenue Church, and she has been a crucial and faithful servant in making the vision of a multi-ethnic a reality here.

Jeremy Penner

Jeremy Penner


Jeremy has been involved in worship at Portage Avenue Church since his teenage days in the early 90s. As a young adult he studied music at Canadian Mennonite University and took a summer internship with the church. After touring Canada playing in bands, he entered worship ministry full-time in 2007, overseeing worship and technical ministries for the church, as well as helping in other assorted areas where needed.

Jeremy and his wife Jessica have two sons, who make their presence known in the church from time to time.

Melanie Kramp

Melanie Penner


Melanie is a Certified Professional Bookkeeper, and has lots of experience working in businesses like Manitoba Hydro, as well as volunteering for churches, in roles ranging from worship leader to treasurer.
She is happy to serve as God leads her, and we are happy to have her here.

For fun Melanie dances, sings, reads and enjoys theatre, as well as spending time with her three daughters.